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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - sap


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сокр. от structural analysis program

программное обеспечение для структурного анализа

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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) сок (растений); живица  2) жизненные силы; жизнеспособность  3) poet. кровь  4) bot. заболонь  2. v.  1) лишать сока; сушить  2) истощать  3) стесывать заболонь Syn: see weaken II  1. noun  1) mil. сапа, подкоп; крытая траншея  2) fig. подрыв  2. v. mil. вести сапы; производить сапные работы; подрывать, подкапывать III school; sl.  1. noun  1) зубрила  2) зубрежка; скучная работа; it is such a sap, it is too much a sap - скучнейшее занятие  2. v. корпеть (над чем-л.), зубрить IV noun sl. простак, олух, дурак ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сок (растений); живица to watch the sap rising in the trees —- наблюдать за тем, как оживают деревья 2. живительные, жизненные силы; энергия, сила; жизнеспособность the sap of youth —- силы юности a sterile idea without the sap of life —- бесплодная (мертвая) мысль to lack sap —- быть нежизнеспособным; быть лишенным энергии 3. живительная влага, кровь 4. спец. заболонь 5. сл. еда, жратва 6. сушить, иссушать 7. спец. стесывать заболонь 8. воен. сапа underground sap —- подземная сапа to drive a sap —- вести сапу sap work —- сапные работы 9. редк. подрыв, подкоп the sap of prejudices —- пагубное влияние предрассудков 10. воен. вести сапы; производить сапные работы; подрывать, подкапывать walls are sapped by the stream —- вода подтачивает стены 11. истощать, ослаблять, подрывать, изматывать to sap smb.'s health —- подорвать чье-л. здоровье to sap the adversary's stamina —- спорт. выматывать противника 12. продвигаться вперед, подходить по траншеям 13. подкрадываться незаметно to sap one's way —- незаметно продвигаться 14. школ. жарг. зубрила 15. школ. жарг. зубрежка; утомительная, однообразная, скучная работа it is such a sap, it is too much a sap —- скучнейшее (утомительное) занятие 16. школ. жарг. зубрить, корпеть to sap at a job —- корпеть над работой 17. разг. простофиля, простак, дурак;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сок 2) сосна ладанная (Pinus taeda) – bleeding sap – cell sap – exudation sap – false sap – milky sap – nuclear sap – vacuolar sap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) ненауглероженный 2) сапировать 3) сочить - milky sap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокр. от sintered aluminum powder спечённый алюминиевый порошок, САП ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 the vital juice circulating in plants. 2 vigour; vitality. 3 = SAPWOOD. 4 US sl. a bludgeon (orig. one made from a sapling). --v.tr. (sapped, sapping) 1 drain or dry (wood) of sap. 2 exhaust the vigour of (my energy had been sapped by disappointment). 3 remove the sapwood from (a log). 4 US sl. hit with a sap. Phrases and idioms sap-green n. 1 the pigment made from buckthorn berries. 2 the colour of this. --adj. of this colour. Derivatives sapful adj. sapless adj. Etymology: OE s{aelig}p prob. f. Gmc 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a tunnel or trench to conceal assailants' approach to a fortified place; a covered siege-trench. 2 an insidious or slow undermining of a belief, resolution, etc. --v. (sapped, sapping) 1 intr. a dig a sap or saps. b approach by a sap. 2 tr. undermine; make insecure by removing the foundations. 3 tr. destroy insidiously. Etymology: ult. f. It. zappa spade, spadework, in part through F sappe sap(p)er, prob. of Arab. orig. 3. n. sl. a foolish person. Etymology: abbr. of sapskull f. SAP(1) = sapwood + SKULL ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English s?p; akin to Old High German saf ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the fluid part of a plant; specifically a watery solution that circulates through a plant's vascular system  b.  (1) a body fluid (as blood) essential to life, health, or vigor  (2) bodily health and vigor  2. a foolish gullible person  3. probably short for ~ling blackjack, bludgeon  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  II. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1725  1. to drain or deprive of ~  2. to knock out with a ~  III. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle French ~per, from Old Italian zappare, from zappa hoe  Date: 1598  intransitive verb to proceed by digging a ~  transitive verb  1. to subvert by digging or eroding the substratum or foundation ; undermine  2.  a. to gradually diminish the supply or intensity of ~ped her strength  b. to weaken or exhaust the energy or vitality of the illness ~ped him of his stamina  3. to operate against or pierce by a ~  Synonyms: see weaken  IV. noun  Etymology: French ~e, from ~er  Date: 1642 the extension of a trench to a point beneath an enemy's fortifications ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (saps, sapping, sapped) 1. If something saps your strength or confidence, it gradually weakens or destroys it. I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength... VERB: V n 2. Sap is the watery liquid in plants and trees. The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies. N-UNCOUNT SAPIENS see homo sapiens ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the watery substance that carries food through a plant 2 AmE informal a stupid person who is easy to deceive or treat badly 3 feel the sap rising humorous to begin to feel full of energy, especially in a sexual way ~2 v sapped, sapping to gradually weaken or destroy something  (sap sb's courage/energy/strength)  (Her long illness was gradually sapping Charlotte's strength.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Serum Amyloid P hum. gen. abbr. Slam Associated Protein hum. gen. abbr. Sensitive To Antimicrobial Peptides U.S. gov. abbr. Substance Abuse Prevention U.S. gov. abbr. Stop All Progress U.S. gov. abbr. Standard Asessment Procedure U.S. gov. abbr. Statutory Adoption Pay U.S. gov. abbr. Scientific Advisory Panel U.S. gov. abbr. State Assessment Panel U.S. gov. abbr. Statements of Administration Policy transport. abbr. Suitcase And Passport mil. abbr. Service Access Point mil. abbr. Scientific Advisory Panel airport code San Pedro Sula, Honduras univ. abbr. Satisfactory Academic Progress univ. abbr. Student Assistance Program univ. abbr. Students Alumni And Professional univ. abbr. Supply Of Academic Publications univ. abbr. Scientific Agricultural Partnership univ. abbr. Standard Assessment Performance univ. abbr. Students Aid Project electron. abbr. Secondary Audio Program funny abbr. Somewhat Academic Privacy funny abbr. Satan's Accounting Program funny abbr. Slow And Painful funny abbr. Son Af a Pitch adult abbr. Stupid American Public adult abbr. Surely A Pedophile softw. abbr. System Application Product db. abbr. Systems Applications Processing gen. comp. abbr. Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung gen. comp. abbr. Systems, Applications, and Products gen. comp. abbr. Systems Application Products gen. comp. abbr. Service Access Point gen. comp. abbr. Service Advertising Protocol gen. comp. abbr. System Application Program network. abbr. Start Of Active Profile network. abbr. Session Announcement Protocol network. abbr. Sandipan Accepted Protocol network. abbr. System Area Pointer network. abbr. Service Announcement Protocol media abbr. Supply Of Academic Publications media abbr. Separate Audio Program media abbr. Second Audio Program media abbr. Streaming Audio Player media abbr. Secondary Audio Programming non-prof. org. abbr. Scholarship Assistance Program non-prof. org. abbr. The Society Of American Procrastinators educ. abbr. State Advisory Panel for Special...
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